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Current R&D projects

Typology of Sponsorship Brief Project title Brief description PI (Principal INVESTIGATOR) Period (Years)
INDUSTRY ADB- Feuz Elaboração de roteiros de desenvolvimento para os serviços urbanos (Resíduos, Água e Saneamento, Aquecimento e Mobilidade) do Cazaquistão e Uzbequistão Paulo Ferrão 3 meses
EDA Elaboração de estudo de viabilidade, adequação e do impacto da operação de um sistema de armazenamento por bombagem de água para maximizar a penetração de energias renováveis na Ilha de São Miguel, incluindo a apreciação técnica do ¿Estudo de Viabilidade para Central Hidroelétrica Reversível da Lagoa das Furnas, nos Açores Paulo Ferrão 2 meses
APA-PNGR Definição de uma estratégia global para a gestão de residuos em Portugal Paulo Ferrão 7 meses
EDP-ACV Coordenação científica do desenvolvimento do projecto ACV (Análise do Ciclo de Vida) Paulo Ferrão 24 meses
APA - Gestão Resíduos Serviços de apoio técnico no âmbito do licenciamento de unidades de gestão de resíduos Paulo Ferrão 12 meses
RAES Desenvolvimento de ferramentas de modelação e análise de sistemas energéticos em locais remotos e isolados Paulo Ferrão 11 meses
SmartGalp Realização de estudo técnico na aera de smart metering, com o objetivo de demonstrar e quantificar o potencial que a mootorização de consumos em tempo real, assim como as novas formas de interação com consumidores recidenciais poderá ter na melhoria da eficiência energética, na redução de consumos e emissão de gases com efeito estufa, na redução do custo final de energia para o consumidor final Paulo Ferrão 24 meses
Inteli Prestação de serviços no ambito do programa para a mobilidade eléctrica dos Açores Paulo Ferrão 2 meses
Green Campus Visa a realização de um concurso para promoção da eficiência energética em edifícios de campos universitários e politécnicos através de medidas quantificáveis Paulo Ferrão 34 meses
LowNox Mathematical and experimental modelling of partial premixed burners for lean combustion condition Edgar Fernandes 1/10/2008 a 30/9/2010 1 ano   
Ignition Mathematical and experimental modeling of flame ignition process, under lean combustion condition Edgar Fernandes 1/10/2008 a 30/9/2010     1 ano
GALP Centro de ID Desenvolvimento de um projeto conjunto para definir o plano de instalação do futuro centro de I&D da Galp no Brasil. Manuel Heitor 3 meses
WWF: Support to WWF's activity in Portugal: developing a footprint analysis of EDP (PT0013.01) Consultancy to WWF in developing a footprint analysis of EDP (Portugal's main electrivity provider). Tiago Domingos 01-10-2012 a 30-04-2012 1 ano e 7 meses
OCDE: ESTIMATING EFFECTIVE CARBON PRICES – PORTUGAL. Consultancy to OECD in estimating effective carbon prices. Portugal case study of abatement costs related to selected climate policies addressing certain economic sectors. Tiago Domingos 27-12-2012 a 15-03-2013 3 meses e meio
EDP: Compensação dos impactes ambientais das facturas da EDP de 2008 a 2010 Consultancy to EDP (Portugal's main electrivity provider) in the Life Cycle Analysis of EDP's 2008-2010 invoices and proposal/execution of environmental compensation projects. Tiago Domingos 11-05-2008 a 10-05-2011 (3 anos)
EDP: Apoio à elaboração do relatório de "carbon disclosure" de 2012. Consultancy to EDP (Portugal's main electrivity provider) - benchmark study on CDP and support to EDP's CDP 2012 report. Tiago Domingos 30-06-2012 a 30-06-2012 1 mês
EDP: AVALIAÇÃO DO RESULTADO DA EDP AO QUESTIONÁRIO CDP 2012 Consultancy to EDP (Portugal's main electrivity provider) - evaluation of EDP's results in the CDP 2012 questionnaire: benchmark study on other companies. Tiago Domingos 17-12-2012 a 31-01-2013 1 mês
EcoAgro: Realização de Estudo para Avaliação das Externalidades do Regadio em Portugal Consultancy to EcoAgro: evaluation of environmental externalities of irrigation agriculture in Portugal. Tiago Domingos 01-09-2012 a 30-06-2013 10 meses
EDP: Valorização de Serviços de Ecossistemas - um Caso de Estudo na Cascata da Serra da Estrela Consultancy to EDP (Portugal's main electrivity provider) - benchmark study on CDP and support to EDP's CDP 2012 report. Tiago Domingos 01-08-2010 a 30-09-2010 2 meses
Associação dos Agricultores do Ribatejo: Avaliação ambiental da agricultura de regadio da Lezíria do Ribatejo Consultancy to Ribatejo Farmer Association: environmental evaluation of irrigation agriculture in the Lezíria do Ribatejo region. Tiago Domingos 24-10-2007 a 25-08-2008 10 meses
Necton: Desenvolvimento de um rótulo ecológico para produtos alimentares Consultancy to Necton, S. A.: development of an environmental label for food products. Tiago Domingos 15-10-2008 a 31-08-2009 10 meses e meio
Ecoprogresso: Serviços de compensação de emissões de Gases de Efeito de Estufa. Consultancy to Ecoprogresso: carbon sequestration by farming practices in Portugal. Tiago Domingos 30-10-2008 a 30-10-2009 1 ano
REN: Previsões meteorológicas para a energia eólica Consultancy to REN: weather forecast for wind energy generation in Portugal. J.J. Delgado Domingos 01-01-2009 a 31-12-2012 4 anos
EnerOne: Levantamento Dimensional de Parâmetros Geométricos de Coberturas de Edifícios em Área Demarcada da Baixa Pombalina de Lisboa, no âmbito de Análise do Potencial Solar Consultancy to EnerOne: calculation of geometrical parameters of buildings in Lisbon for the determination of solar energy potential. J.J. Delgado Domingos 20-04-2010 a 30-06-2010 2 meses e meio
Hidromod: Previsão Meteorológica Horária com Horizonte de 72 horas Consultancy to HidroMod: hourly weather forecast. J.J. Delgado Domingos 30-03-2011 a 30-03-2012 1 ano
Tecmic: Fornecimento de tecnologia a integrar a plataforma para gestão de emergências Consultancy to TecMic: development and integration of thin gridlines for weather forecasting. J.J. Delgado Domingos 01-05-2010 a 30-04-2012 2 anos
Sociedade Gestora de REEE, Amb3E Construção de Modelos Técnico-Económicos das Tecnologias de Tratamento de REEE e sua Implementação numa Ferramenta de Apoio à Decisão (3E-TOOLS). Fernanda Margarido 2008/2010
Sociedade Gestora de REEE, Amb3E Reciclagem de Placas de Circuito Impresso de Resíduos de Equipamento Electrónico (RECIMP). Fernanda Margarido 2008/2011
CitySDK Production of three large-scale pan-European smart city service pilots in the eight partner cities. The pilots are in the domains of smart mobility, smart participation and smart tourism. Paulo Ferrão 30 meses
Smart Campus Building-User Learning Interaction for Energy Efficiency Paulo Ferrão 30 meses
KIC Innoenergy KIC INNOENERGY PHD SCHOOL Paulo Ferrão 24 meses
Aether (FP6) Study of Aero-Thermal acoustics in non-reacting and reacting systems Edgar Fernandes 1/12/2006 a 30/11/2010 4 anos
PIRSES-GA Interchange of young investigators between European and Chinese Universities aiming research training, organization of seminaries and workshops in “state-of-the-art” technologies for the development of functional surfaces with application to systems of extreme mobility Ana Moita

António Moreira
1/4/2012 a 30/3/2016        4 anos
Agridiag (projecto n° 12/0034-L/4850) Environmental farm diagnostic tool "Dialecte" in vocational training. Transfer of Innovation (TOI) project in partnership with 5 other organizations (funded by the Lifelong Learning Program). Tiago Domingos 01-12-2012 a 30-11-2014 2 anos
Rural Value (PT0041) Sustainable Development of Threatened Extensive Farming Systems. Project coordinated by Liga para a Protecção da Natureza in partnership with IST and Instituto Nacional dos Recursos Biológicos. Tiago Domingos 01-11-2008 a 30-04-2011 2 anos e 6 meses
FCT: Portugueses Science and Technology Foundation (Research Projects) Integersum Modelo integrado e geo-referenciado para a promoção da sustentabilidade do metabolismo urbano Paulo Ferrão 36 meses
Resist Promoção da resiliência urbana através da gestão de stocks de recursos naturais Samuel Niza 42 meses
Mesur Sistema de indicadores para a sustentabilidade do metabolismo urbano Samuel Niza 36 meses
Minorias What  are  the  participation  and survival rates  associated  with  the  individuals’ (from minority groups) decision to engage in entrepreneurship in Portugal?  Do minority groups undergo a wage premium – or penalty – in the Portuguese labour market, associated with their previous experience in entrepreneurship? The attempt to shed new light on these questions constitutes the basic motivation for this research project. Miguel Amaral 1/2/2010 a 31/7/2013       3 anos
EXIT Under what specific conditions do firms exit the market and individuals leave entrepreneurship? Is exit synonymous with entrepreneurial failure? At what extent individuals’ occupational decision to exit from entrepreneurship associates with firm performance? The attempt to shed new light on these questions constitutes the basic motivation for this research project.  Miguel Amaral 1/3/2011 a 28/2/2014        3 anos e 6 meses
CINHEKS CINHEKS is an international comparative research project will analyse how higher education institutions (HEIs) are networked within distinct knowledge societies within - and across - *Europe, the USA and Japan* Hugo Horta 1/1/2010 a 31/12/2013       3 anos
EntHuCap The Impact of Entrepreneurial Human Capital on Careers, Earnings and Hiring Decisions. Miguel Preto 1/3/2012 a 28/2/2014        2 anos
IRGC Portugal IRGC Portugal is affiliated to the International Risk Governance Council, an independent organisation whose work includes developing concepts of risk governance, anticipating major risk issues and providing risk governance policy recommendations for key decision makers. Manuel Heitor 36 meses
SURWET-COOLS Study of the effects of surface wettability and micro patterning on micro-channel evaporative heat transfer with application to cooling systems. António Moreira 1/3/2011 a 28/2/2014        3 anos
MUST (PTDC/EME-MFE/099040/2008) Fundamental Studies on MUltijet Spray Technology Miguel Panão 15-01-2010 a 31-07-2013
BioPast (PTDC/AGR-AAM/69637/2006) An Integrated Approach to Sown Biodiverse Permanent Pastures Rich in Legumes. Study of carbon sequestration, plant production and grazing in this farming system. Tiago Domingos 01-08-2007 a 31-01-2011 (3 anos e 6 meses)
PETE (PTDC/AMB/64762/2006) Physical Approaches to an Improved Economic Theory of the Environment. Use of approaches and ideas from Physics to improve several aspects in the economic theory of the environment. Tiago Domingos 18-09-2007 a 17-09-2011 (4 anos)
EEN-ISA National Ecological Network - a proposal of mapping and policies. The goal of the present project is to delimit the National Ecological Network. Tânia Sousa 18-09-2007 a 17-09-2011 (4 anos)
MediaDEB (Proc.º 441.00 França) Modeling of the Ecophysiology of Planctonic and Benthic Diatomaceous with the DEB theory. Project in partnership with Station marine de Wimereux. Gonçalo Marques 01-01-2011 a 31-12-2012 2 anos
PTDC/AMB/66921/2006 Processos Hidrometalúrgicos Selectivos para a Valorização de Pilhas Esgotadas de Diferentes Sistemas Electroquímicos (BATMIX) Fernanda Margarido 2008/2011 (3 anos)
EU Strutural Funding (FEDER through "QREN" in Portugal) INSCAN Development of a high speed spectrophotometer Edgar Fernandes 1/1/2012 a 31/12/2014     3 anos
Life Engine - Desenvolvimento de Realismo Biológico em Jogos de Computador Development of Biological Realism in Computer Games. Project promoted by Biodroid Productions, S. A. in association with IST. Tiago Domingos 01-10-2008 a 31-03-2012 3 anos e 6 meses
Energy Wars - O videojogo de estratégia na economia mundial do fim da era do petróleo The strategy videogame of the world economy in the peak oil era. Project promoted by Biodroid Productions, S. A. in association with IST and the Media Higher Teaching School of the Lisbon Polytechnical Institute. Tânia Sousa 01-10-2010 a 31-03-2013 2 anos e 6 meses
Portuguese Public Administration Ministério da Agricultura: Realização da avaliação contínua do PRODER para o ano de 2008. Consultancy to the Ministry of Agriculture. Evaluation of Mainland Portugal's Rural Development Program (2008). Tiago Domingos 03-02-2009 a 24-06-2009 5 meses
Ministério da Agricultura: Realização da avaliação contínua do PRODER 2007-2013 Consultancy to the Ministry of Agriculture. Evaluation of Mainland Portugal's Rural Development Program (2007-2013). Consortium with Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos (Institute of Social and Economic Studies) and Instituto Politécnico de Bragança (Bragança Polytechnical Institute). Tiago Domingos 09-11-2009 a 31-12-2015 5 anos e 2 meses
Ministério da Agricultura: Confirmação da adequação e exactidão dos cálculos dos pagamentos propostos para a Intervenção Territorial Integrada de Monchique, no âmbito do PRODER. Consultancy to the Ministry of Agriculture. Confirmation of the fairness and exactness of payments established for the Agri-Environmental measures in the Monchique region. Tiago Domingos 22-10-2009 a 27-10-2009
C. M. Lisboa: Forn. de um Sist. Oper. Integrado de Prevenção de Risco Meteorológico em Lisboa Consultancy to the Lisbon Municipality: suppliance of an Integrated Operational System for the Prevention of Meteorological Risk in Lisbon. J.J. Delgado Domingos 24-11-2010 a 31-12-2012 2 anos
Conferences 15th LASER International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics aimed to promote the interchange of new ideas on the development of advanced techniques for flow measurement and on the latest applications, including those on cutting edge fields, such as BioMEMS, the macro-molecular transport in bio-system or the development of optical techniques for molecular imaging António Moreira 2010
24th European Conference on Liquid Tomization and Spay Systems International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems aimed at promoting the science and application of liquid atomization and spray systems António Moreira 2011/2012
16th LASER International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics aimed to promote the interchange of new ideas on the development of advanced techniques for flow measurement and on the latest applications, including those on cutting edge fields, such as BioMEMS, the macro-molecular transport in bio-system or the development of optical techniques for molecular imaging. António Moreira 2012